Padma Bankʼs Management Trainee Officer (MTO) Examination was held in a Festive Manner
Fourth generation Padma Bank Limited is recruiting for the post of Management Trainee Officer (MTO) for the first time ever. The examination was held simultaneously in two educational institutions of the capital on Saturday, 29th October 2022.
A large number of jobseekers from all over the country participated in it.
The examination was held under the strict supervision of the Human Resources Division of Padma Bank. The Bank’s Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Tarek Reaz Khan visited the examination center. Deputy Managing Director & CRO Faisal Ahsan Chowdhury, SEVP, Chief Human Resource Officer and Chief Communication Officer M Ahsan Ullah Khan, SEVP & Head of RAMD & Law Feroze Alam, SEVP & Head of Islami Banking Salim Anwar, EVP and Company Secretary Manzurul Ahsan and senior officials of the Bank were present on this occasion.
Mr. Tarek Reaz Khan expresses his satisfaction & said that the job market is going through a tough time. The International Labor Organization (ILO) says that the number of unemployed people in the world will exceed 207 million this year.
This rate is increasing day by day in Bangladesh also. This time Padma Bank is undertaking recruitment for posts like MTO, which will give hope to the job aspirants to build a rewarding career. He added, I believe that talented youth will add diversity and new dimension to our journey.
Chief Human Resource Officer and Chief Communication Officer M Ahsan Ullah Khan said, Padma Bank believes in absolute transparency and the way a single individual has to prove his/her worth in joining the winning team with your own merit and talent.
The job of Human Resources Division is ensuring and attracting talented individual. He further added that I believe that we will be able to move forward further in the future with the help of newcomers.
Noteworthy to mention that Padma Bank Limited, which is managed by Govt. owned Sonali, Janata, Agrani, Rupali Bank and ICB. The Bank has been providing banking services to customers across the country through 59 branches, 3 sub-branches and agent banking.